Jin Lin Men Ecological Aquatic Fertilizer(Suitable for Aquatic Products)

[Product features]

Pure grain fermentation, green and environment-friendly: The product takes grain fermentation as the main raw material and is refined through four-effect evaporation and spray granulation processes. The granules are used as fertilizer to provide nutrients for aquatic plants, and optimize the water to provide sufficient energy for aquatic organisms. It is known as Chinese Caterpillar Fungusin in aquaculture.

Instant and fully soluble, easy to use: This product is instant and fully soluble in water. After being soluble in water, it can be applied by splashing or directly spraying the particles to stabilize the water color and effectively inhibit moss.

Rich in amino acids, improve the quality of aquatic products: Provide abundant protein nutrients for aquatic organisms, improve feeding capacity, enhance aquatic product quality and health level, reduce mortality during transportation, and improve aquatic product income.

Reduce toxicity and prevent diseases: The amino acid contained in the product can transform ammonia nitrogen and nitrite in water into nutrients to be absorbed by algae reproduction, thus improving dissolved oxygen in water, improving water quality and greatly reducing parasite infection rate.

Comprehensive nutrition and promotion of growth: Reasonable nutrient collocation and promotion of rapid propagation of plankton, green algae, diatoms and the like in water bodies, so as to achieve the purpose of providing natural feed for aquatic organisms by rapidly increasing algae through fast fertilizer and water.

[Product case]

Farmers in Nanyang Village Aquaculture Demonstration Base in Kangcuo Township, Fujian Province, through the use of ecological aquatic fertilizer of Jin Lin Men, the survival rate of fish fry increased, the quality and health level of fish improved significantly, and increased production and income.
